Cum să plătești facturi online la peste 430 de furnizori din România cu Pago
Descarcă Pago și plătești facturile
A Pago segítségével kifizetheted az összes Közüzemi számlát, több mint 380 szolgáltató értesí tést kaphatsz a lejárt számlákról, Fizetési előzményeid mindig kéznél vannak
How can I pay my pentru furnizorul meu bill through Pago?
You have two ways to pay your bills, and you can choose the option that suits you best.
Sync your online account
The first option and the most powerful one is to sync the online accounts. You connect your accounts only once, then:
✅ invoices show up automatically in the application after they are issued
🔔 receive notifications when they are due. You can pay them in seconds, each separately or all with a confirmation
⏰ you have access to the entire history of payments, not just those made through Pago
Barcode scan
Don't have an online account for your supplier? No problem. You can also pay the bills by scanning the barcode. Scanning also works if you have the bill in digital format. You don't need to have it printed.
However, we recommend synchronizing your suppliers in Pago for the following reasons:
✅ scanned bills are not synchronized with the supplier's account
✅ if you pay the bill outside Pago, on the supplier's website or by other means, it will not be updated in the app - in this case you can also mark the invoice as paid in Pago by tapping on it in the list of invoices in the application
✅ if you have a new bill, it will not appear in your bills list automatically
✅ you don't receive notifications when a new bill is issued
Descarcă Pago și plătești facturile
I have just installed the app. How do I connect my first supplier in Pago?
To easily see and pay your supplier's bills in Pago, you need to have an online account on the supplier's website. Then you can connect that account in Pago. After you sign up in the app, you will see an "Add supplier' button on the main screen. You will do this step only once for each supplier: Step 1 → Tap on the "Add supplier" button Step 2 → Choose the supplier Step 3 → Choose the preferred payment method, either "Scan barcode" or "Sync your online account". By syncing the online account, you will automatically receive the bills in Pago each month. This way, we will notify you when a new bill is issued or is approaching the due date. Step 4 → Type in the required info to connect the supplier in the "Connect supplier" screen. The information required to connect with a supplier can be the email with which you created the online account on the supplier's website, the client code you can find on a bill, the phone number associated with the account, username, and password. Important! The information required in this step is the one you use to connect to your online account on the supplier's website. Step 5 → Tap on "Connect account", and you're all set! Now we automatically retrieve your history and bills in just a few seconds. Then they will update automatically every time you open the app, without the need to log in, type in the password, or any other hassle. If you already have a supplier connected in Pago, you can add another one by going to the Suppliers screen and following the steps above, starting with Step 1. You can contact us on Live Chat in the app if you need help connecting your suppliers in Pago.
I don't have an online account for my supplier. How can I create one?
If your supplier has an online platform, but you don't have an online account yet, when you want to add a supplier to Pago, you will have that option in the app that will instantly redirect you to the supplier's website to create your account there. In addition, if you have an Android phone, you can create your account directly from Pago for Enel and E.ON providers.
I don't have the option to sync my supplier in Pago. Why?
Not all suppliers offer the option to create an online account from where we can import the bills. Usually, they are new or local suppliers have not yet invested in such a platform.
The good news is that more and more suppliers have understood the benefits of digitalization and are already planning or working on such platforms. For the suppliers who have an online platform but you can't see the sync option in Pago, we are most likely working on integrating them in Pago. So the option to sync them should be available soon.
I forgot my supplier's account details. How can I sync the account?
If you forgot your supplier's account details (username, email, client code, or password), when you are in the "Connect supplier" screen, tap on "Forgot account details". Next, follow the reset steps on the supplier's website, then come back to Step 4 above and fill in the details with the new information.
Descarcă Pago și plătești facturile
Can I sync in Pago suppliers or accounts that aren't in my name?
Many Pago users manage and pay bills for multiple billing locations. So whether it's a rented location, office, your parent's or grandparent's house, vacation house, or any other place you want to pay the bills, syncing the suppliers works the same. We receive the necessary details to process the payments directly from the suppliers.
Furthermore, you can save multiple cards in the app and choose the one suited for each bill you want to pay before making the payment.
I can't find my supplier in the supplier's list in Pago or on the website. How can I add it?
If you have a Premium or Limitless subscription, you can add any supplier with an online platform where you can access bills or from whom you receive bills that have a barcode. First, check that your supplier isn't already among the over 380 suppliers in the app. In that case, you can request to add it from Bills → Suppliers → tap on "Add supplier".
We only need a photo with a recent bill with a barcode, and we will add the supplier to the app in just a few days. If you have any questions or want to know when a supplier will be available in the app, you can contact us on Live Chat in the app.
What if I run into problems?
You can always contact us on Live Chat if you have problems connecting your supplier's account or want more info about your payments.